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Souhail Arfaoui / Writing Pad of Human Sciences

Youth engagement

Souhail Arfaoui

The youth engagement in community life, becomes the center of interest in Tunisian society, youth approved their enthusiasm in community life which is manifested through the creativity of young people. The associations are growing; be they charitable, humanitarian or registered in another sector; they have focused attention on the abilities that can change the experience ... Through socialization and communication with and in the community and in particular with the report of identity that is built; it is also the report to the association's identity is also built over the roots that exercised...

RWD (Rural Women developement)

Souhail Arfaoui

Development issues have stumbled on various issues including those regions or localities, but the theme seems to have secured is the one related to the inclusion of women in the development process .Two theses were deployed in this sense. that of women in development Women in development WID * (as an inclusive element of development) and the Women and development Women and development WAD ** this first step was followed by the one posed by the development as part of the gender equality but it took the emergence of a gender approach to the cultural question is asked as a necessary condition for...


Souhail Arfaoui

La violence se définit comme une force physique ou morale mais aussi elle peut toucher d’autre forme de la vie sociale. L’étude sociologique s’intéresse à la violence non seulement physique mais aussi artistique de la société dans laquelle les individus créent leur différentiation envers d’autres qui sont censés être au plus bas de la stratification sociale. La violence ne se limite pas au sens premier de la signification artistique, a savoir avec le coté matériel, mais elle dépasse ce milieu restreint pour toucher tout une classification sociale. En observant l’histoire, nous apercevons tout un...

media and public ____Souhail Arfaoui

Souhail Arfaoui (ANDREW)

We note that the youth is lost in the media and does not find the mark to build a clear idea about the accuracy of what the media say about that the lack of confidence does not touch the media only but all the institutions of the State: administrative, social and financial. The media, in general, have the power to influence public opinion and provide information or disclose it to the public means we also hide other information that has not meant or reveal the reasons may be political or social. In this investigation we did it was observed that some could not understand questions that highlights...

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